Press Releases on Bioeconomy Projects

THE Ranking by Subject 2025:
The University of Hohenheim garnered high scores in the life sciences, business & economics

It is small and highly specialized – and holds its own against larger, comprehensive universities: For the life sciences the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart is one of the world's top 201-250 universities, and in the field of business and economics it ranks among the top 251-300 universities. This was the result of the THE World University Rankings by Subject published by...more

President of the Year:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert among the Top 3 Most Popular University Presidents

“Great management style,” “participative,” “approachable!”: These are some of the attributes stated for Prof. Dr. Dabbert as President of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart in the annual ranking of university presidents by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV). In the past 10 years, the professors have voted him Baden-Württemberg’s most...more

Converting rainforest to plantation impacts food webs and biodiversity [20.02.2024]

Every day, new areas of rainforests are converted into plantations, drastically changing tropical biodiversity and the way the ecosystem functions. Yet, the current understanding of the consequences is fragmentary: previous studies tended to examine either biodiversity or the ecosystem. With the participation of the University of Hohenheim, an international research team led...more

CHE Ranking 2023:
Business Administration and Economics Top in Master's and Doctorates

Excellent supervision, a top range of courses, an outstanding study situation, and a particularly high number of doctorates: The current ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) confirms the excellent educational conditions for Master's students and early career researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. This time, the Master's degree programs...more

THE Ranking by Subject 2024:
Business & Economics and Life Sciences among the top 300 worldwide

The University of Hohenheim is small and highly specialized – and it holds its own against large comprehensive universities: Both in Business and Economics and in the Life Sciences, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart is one of the world’s best 251–300 universities. This is shown by the THE World University Rankings by Subject published by the journal "Times Higher...more

CEWS University Ranking:
University of Hohenheim remains in 1st place for gender equality in the state of Baden-Württemberg

The proportion of women among researchers is growing, once again giving the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart a top place in this category in the state. Overall, the University of Hohenheim placed in the top group in two of six categories, and in the midfield in four others. The Universities of Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Tübingen can boast comparable successes. The rankings...more

Agricultural Research & Food Sciences:
University of Hohenheim Continues to be Germany's No. 1 in NTU ranking

In agricultural research and food sciences, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart has the highest level of research for the ninth time in a row in the ranking by National Taiwan University (NTU). Last Monday, the NTU subject rankings for 2022 were released. The University of Hohenheim ranks 9th in Europe and 36th worldwide. The NTU ranking looks at the number and quality of...more

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